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Cultivating Cally is a community led initiative that aims to join the East and the West side of the Cally together through a pedestrianised path that also inhabits trees and plants. The aim of the project is to create a permenant green space following the initial pop up pocket space during the Cally Festival in 2019 that was found to be extremely successful and led to the community backing the creating of a permenant green space. The image below shows how the space was tranformed for the day of the Cally festival and how it was used as an effective way of creating social interactions amongst the residents of the Cally.
Trees as infrastructure looks at how it is possible to impliment trees and nature into the city without the government and council seeing them as a cost in the balance sheet but rather looking at the positive effects they have on the Urban environment of cities. It looks at history of maintaining trees within the city and the way in which they are sold of to private companies that then become responsible for caring for them - it questions this traditional method and proposes that local residents should start to take ownership for the natural environments around them.
This drawing analyses the value of a tree when purely considering economic benefit versus when considering environmental (ecosystem) benefits. It argues that trees should be left to grow for much longer durations of time that what the governemnt leaves them to grow for in order to achieve their best ecosystem benefits. Such benefits include air purification and bringing biodiversity in the city centres. The below drawing looks at the value of a tree when valuating it in different ways - last illustration is the valuation of it when the ecosystem is taken into account and it is the only valuation shown that sees the tree being fully valuated.